
You can implement your e-learning courses with us


  • in the didactic implementation
  • in the analysis of customer-specific requirements
  • for the implementation of eLearning courses and eTests – precisely tailored to the respective target group
  • in the creation of training concepts

Online learning – modern learning

In order to achieve maximum knowledge transfer in digital learning, we use various web-based training courses that are tailored precisely to the respective target group, their needs and media affinity as well as the specific subject area and learning objective.

Wide range of eLearning courses

The spectrum of training formats that we design and implement ranges from live webinars and webcasts to learning videos and interactive SCORM modules. Based on our many years of experience in eLearning content production, we can advise you on the right choice of format.

We can either research the necessary content for you or prepare the content you provide in a didactic and media-compatible way using suitable authoring tools in order to achieve sustainable learning success.

eTests for sustainable learning success

You want to give the users of your digital training courses the opportunity to track their learning progress – You would like to promote learning activities in a targeted manner – You want to identify knowledge deficits at an early stage so that you can offer appropriate learning opportunities – You want to give interested parties the chance to correctly assess their prior knowledge?

These are just some of the tasks for which we successfully use eTests, online quizzes and gamification, for example. We have a wide range of implementation options at our disposal. Accordingly, it is important to define the objectives in detail together with you and to take into account the principles of modern didactics.

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