Pharmacovigilance management

Everything from a single source

Pharmacovigilance is a generic term for all activities related to the monitoring of the safety of medicinal products or the detection and prevention of drug risks in the clinical trial phase and after approval.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines pharmacovigilance as the science and activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse drug reactions or other drug-related problems and risks.

In recent years, the regulatory requirements for marketing authorization holders in the area of pharmacovigilance have increased significantly at both European and national level.
Accordingly, we have continuously expanded our range of pharmacovigilance services over the past 20 years in order to efficiently support you in fulfilling your obligations:

Pheda – E2B-compliant PV database

Our pharmacovigilance database Pheda provides you with a structured, online-based management of adverse reaction reports – including the creation of line listings and extensive query options – and you can also use the gateway to exchange reports with authorities and partners.

Literature research / evaluation – PhedaLit

Since 2005, structured literature research and evaluation has been a central pharmacovigilance service component of Heacon Service GmbH.
The pooling project is based on the shared use of generally available data relating to active substances, which results in considerable cost savings for the individual MAH.

In Heacon’s own validated literature database PhedaLit, customer-specific literature citations are compiled in a structured manner in the company’s own database accounts.
Automatic digital notification when new entries are added ensures that you are always informed.


Since 2015, we have been offering you the specific “Medical Literature Monitoring” service package as a targeted supplement to the literature research and evaluation of the pooling project.
We regularly screen the EMA database using specific search strategies and filter the relevant EMA results according to customer specifications.


With the PV tools “EVDAS” and “EVWEB”, we offer you specific services for the structured, drug-related screening of EVDAS and the routine screening of EVWEB cases.


Depending on your company-specific requirements, we offer you both the creation of individual, “ready-to-submit” Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs) and cross-company, pooled PSURs in the form of PSUR templates.


The Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) is of central importance as pharmacovigilance master documentation.
Depending on your company’s specific needs, we can create a fully comprehensive PSMF for you in accordance with the regulatory requirements – including the annexes – or provide you with selective support in reviewing and revising the SOPs and describing pharmacovigilance-specific processes.

Signal management

Heacon’s own signal detection tool Signal Sentinel® simplifies the recording, evaluation and documentation of signal detection processes.
It is used to create both initial and routine reports.

PV audits

Whether as a component of your company’s own quality management, in preparation for an official inspection, as an internal training measure or as a consulting measure on the occasion of regulatory changes – our qualified team of auditors has developed a specific pharmacovigilance audit program that focuses on the regulatory requirements as well as the specific needs of your company.

Coaching & Consulting

Our German and English-language pharmacovigilance coaching program is aimed specifically at employees in pharmacovigilance departments to make them fit for their day-to-day work and keep them up to date with the latest developments


We offer you digital SOP templates and associated templates for central processes of the pharmacovigilance system.
While the SOP templates describe the specific processes in detail, the templates serve to make it easier for the user to create the documentation described in the SOP.


Powerful & service-oriented

  • Heacon’s own validated, E2B-compliant PV databases:
    “Pheda” & “PhedaLit”
  • > 100 Pheda accounts (MAHs and CROs)
  • > 900 active ingredients in the weekly literature search / evaluation
  • > 200 “Signal Sentinal®” signal detection reports
  • > 100 PSURs
  • > 20 years of PV experience
  • > 200 customers

Case Study

Use case: Pheda – Your PV database

  • Shared SQL database server with company-owned database areas
  • Modern E2B(R3) compliant system validated according to GAMP 5 standard
  • Software-as-a-Service
  • Independent, structured management of adverse reaction reports (ICSRs / SUSARs)
  • Basic and Professional version
Pheda accounts


> 100 (MAHs and CROs)
Utilization variants
Basic and Professional version

Case Study

Use case: PhedaLit – digital & validated

  • Heacon’s own validated literature database
  • Customized presentation of literature citations
  • Automatic digital notification when new entries are added
  • Chemically defined active ingredients, herbal active ingredients, homeopathic active ingredients for human and veterinary medicinal products
Literature research / evaluation


> 900 active ingredients



Do you have any questions?

We look forward to getting to know you.