Publishing (online / offline)

Cross-media communication

Information and communication behaviour are subject to constant change, not least due to increasing digitalization and globalization. Against this backdrop, companies need to ask themselves more than ever which media their target groups have the greatest affinity for and how they can best be reached.

In order to achieve maximum synergies and penetration depth, it is important to coordinate the activities of the various channels in a targeted manner and implement them in line with the CD in the sense of a cross-media communication approach.

Online publishing

Based on our many years of expertise, we develop and implement customer-specific online solutions, which we not only create initially, but also provide ongoing support and further development as required. These include, among others:

  • Accessible portals
  • E-mail newsletter
  • Internet presence
  • Intranet platform
  • Online shop
  • Video
  • Webinars
  • Webwatching

Print publishing

We have also been successfully active in the field of print publishing for a long time – from conception to content creation (text creation and graphic design) to production. The range of print products is diverse and is developed according to individual tasks – these include, among others

  • Brochure
  • Flyers
  • Annual report
  • Customer magazine
  • Leporello
  • Employee magazine
  • Newsletter
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