Media purchasing
Fiduciary and transparent
Media consulting
We are aware that media buying / advertising is crucial to the success of your company. Effective design and implementation are therefore essential. For this reason, we offer a comprehensive media buying service in collaboration with our team of experts to help you optimize your advertising strategy and achieve the best possible results.
Our approach is based on a thorough analysis of your current advertising activities and the identification of potential for improvement and redesign. Together with our partner, we develop customized solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs and objectives.
The independent team of media experts will advise you on the suitability of media and their possibilities, for example, based on your intended campaign.
Media planning
On the basis of relevant market media data and findings, the agency plans your campaign proposal, which aims to optimize reach, contact frequency and conditions. The choice of media is not based on the agency margin, but solely on the goal of campaign success.
Media buying
All customer-related discounts and the entire agency commission are passed on to you, based on the media framework agreement. Depending on the insertion volume per year, you will receive your share of the agency-related discounts.
Media controlling
A placement control checks whether your placements have been implemented in terms of placement and quality. The price check ensures that booked media prices and conditions have been adhered to and that agreed refunds from agency discounts are passed on to you.
Media billing
We check the accuracy of your billing. In addition to this necessary transparency, we also ensure that payment terms and discounts are adhered to.
Media training
Our Colloquium Pharmaceuticum division offers selected training courses in the field of “media”.