IntegrityNext – Cooperation partner in the field of supplier management and sustainability

As the largest purchasing cooperation for the pharmaceutical industry in Germany, we have succeeded in gaining a powerful partner in IntegrityNext. With this partnership, we are expanding our network with a forward-looking solution in the area of sustainability management and ESG compliance.

By cooperating with IntegrityNext, we enable our members to make sustainable and responsible procurement decisions and make their supply chains transparent. This not only strengthens trust in our community, but also promotes sustainable action throughout the industry.

IntegrityNext offers a cloud-based platform that supports companies in fulfilling regulatory due diligence obligations such as the German Supply Chain Act. In addition, the platform helps to achieve decarbonization targets and ensure reporting in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as GRI and CSRD/ESRS.

The new Carbon Emissions Navigator enables the measurement, reporting and reduction of CO2 emissions along the entire supply chain. In addition, IntegrityNext offers a solution for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which supports automated data collection and analysis for the import of carbon-intensive products into the EU. This enables companies to identify relevant ESG risks along their supply chain and improve their sustainability performance in the long term.

Our purchasing cooperation offers customized solutions and first-class conditions for procurement in the pharmaceutical industry. With a steadily growing membership structure, we strengthen the competitiveness of our partner companies through bundled purchasing volumes and optimized procurement processes.